![alt text](https://s6.postimg.cc/kg1eqwaht/image.png)
**Title**: Tsumugi-sama no Hanamuko Choukyou Nikki
**Original title**: つむぎ様の花婿調教日記
**Length**: Short (2 - 10 hours)
**Year**: Japan 2012-05-03, English Patch 2016-05-27
**Developer**: Sadistic Alice
**Publishers**: Sadistic Alice
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese
**Translation**: [mortalvyses](http://blog.livedoor.jp/mortalvyses/archives/2933050.html)
Written by the writer of the Nurse no Obenkyou series, centering around one of its heroines, Tsumugi, after she won a popularity poll.
1. You need to change system locale to Japanese.
2. No need to install.
3. [Readme](http://txt.do/dm5cf)
![alt text](https://s6.postimg.cc/6z4g8fkv5/ssss.png)
![alt text](https://s6.postimg.cc/lv2zg094h/image.png)
![alt text](https://s6.postimg.cc/cajct5enl/sss.png)
![alt text](https://s6.postimg.cc/9gg7fpk75/sssss.png)
![alt text](https://s.vndb.org/sf/72/45072.jpg)
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