![alt text](https://i.pixxxels.cc/fbsTbXmM/c.png)
**Title**: HarmonEy
**Length**: Short (2 - 10 hours)
**Year**: Japan 2018-02-23, English Version 2021-03-15
**Developer**: Hachimitsu Soft
**Publishers**: artlink
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese
Focuses on the loving and sensual relationship between our protagonist and his wife, Ako. Enjoy a utopian, healing bond as they spend their days off together, free from societal pressures in each other's company.
1. No need to install.
**!!!** Thanks to ボスB. - 毛皮でほしかった!
**!!!** Initialize button on the main menu will delete your save data.
![alt text](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1761443511954496818/48E5B32269DCA0A4C156E651E2633CDC0C261321/)
![alt text](https://i.pixxxels.cc/xTS05MpM/s.jpg)
![alt text](https://i.pixxxels.cc/Nf7QzFZV/ss.jpg)
Thanks for the upload as always!
Man, these VNs from Hachimitsu Soft are actually great. Too bad that the VN actually lags everytime you proceed to the next line
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