[ScrewThisNoise][Illusion] Koikatu Sunshine / Koikatsu Sunshine (コイカツ!サンシャイン) BetterRepack R1.2

2021-09-03 12:48 UTC
File size:
17.2 GiB
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![BetterRepack R1.2](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/688/KPeG4F.png "BetterRepack R1.2") # Only recommended for early adaptors. Does not contain studio nor VR! Wait for R2 for a more refined experience. Links: https://dl.betterrepack.com/public/ (You can find updates etc in here) If you want to get notified about new releases, feel free to join my notification discord: https://discord.gg/pSGZ4uz ### Changelog: https://betterpaste.me/?4bcfe52ec75aba55#fsYe1KReFvAc4XGNUt7tB7M7XVoC1ogn6h4AwJAgTkn ### Patreon I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :) There is currently a direct download option exclusive to patreons, take a peek at [https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-only-34099224] for more information. ~.~ ![Patreon](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/575260461579108352/576067606566666260/PatreonBanner.png "Patreon") [https://www.patreon.com/BetterRepack/] [https://subscribestar.adult/betterrepack]

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Hi @STN, first of all, I would like to thank you very much for your commitment! Another amazing job :) I have two doubts, first, will the mods be interchangeable between Koikatsu RX 11 x Koikatsu Sunshine at some point? (copy and paste from my current Koikatsu RX11 folder). Another question is, some beautiful day we will have a repack of COM 3D 2 ? :/ I know it's really hard to compile it but asking doesn't kill anyone, right? haha' Thanks!
I get an error every time i try to unpack the game

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### PerfectNo0 copypasta from my discord: # Sideloader modpack sufficiently tested with KKS All mods that failed testing have been moved to KK exclusive. Some mods are still in the main Sideloader Modpack marked as KK only, so won't load in KKS, will test them in time for R1.2 release, which will be this weekend after illusion drops this weeks update. If you have KK already, you can read the modpack from KKs mods folder (so that you don't need to have the same modpack twice) #### Option 1 (BepInEx config) - Go to `\BepInEx\config` in the Koikatsu Sunshine install - Open `com.bepis.bepinex.sideloader.cfg` with Notepad or similar - Find the line marked Additional mods directory - after the `=` you can set the directory to your Sideloader Modpack folder (Should be something like `C:\Illusion\Koikatu\mods\Sideloader Modpack`. Important that you don't select the mods folder, as there are mods in there that currently break KKS if applied) #### Option 2 (Symlink) Use Symlinks... google it :teehee: So in short, yes, it's now sharing a large part of its zipmod library with the original koikatsu, and if you have both games, you can share one folder.

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### Periah250 Make sure you're using the latest version of 7zip or winrar to extract
Perfect @STN, for now I will be waiting for R2 Studio but I will have this in mind to link BepInEx config with my KK folder. Many thanks!
@STN good to know, I do the shared folder trick with AI/HS2 so glad it will work with these two as well. Just a quick question regarding KKManager, is the copy installed to each game unique or could all of the repack games share a single install of KKManager with the same method?
Getting a crash and below error message when scrolling through "eye type" under "face"->"iris" in editor: [Error : Unity Log] The file 'archive:/CAB-e636f334a101913a96d179cc2b81d062/CAB-e636f334a101913a96d179cc2b81d062' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!]

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### Muchuchubacca I can't recreate it. You sure you are running the game is is in this pack, or have the modpack updated?
I am having the same problem as Muchuchubacca, once i get below addeye1(the human looking eyes) the game crashes.

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### Grumpy_Old_Vet you only have the mods that came with the pack applied? did you apply anything else from the old koikatsu or similar? I can't for the life of me reproduce it here.
Is there an updater for V1.1 to V1.2 yet? Thanks,
The issue seems to be with the preview image for the "kohina" eye type. I made some test characters in original rx11 and ported them to sunshine r1.2 and the one with "kohina" cased the same crash when clicking on the iris tab. The others could open the tab fine but crashed when clicking on "eye type"; they were the ones close to the "kohina" one in rx11. Everything is the same as in the torrent except for the save and chara folders copied from 1.1 edit: test card https://gofile.io/d/H7SxxJ
I wonder why some of the "Thatdude" mods are not working. Does anyone else have this problem?
Screwthisnoise Yes, i didn't add anything new other than converting cards over from the first game. I did confirm it doesn't seem to be a eye mod I disabled all mods with eye and iris in them and it still crashes with the default character from the character maker.
how do 3p sex work in sunshine ?
Does it have auto translation and anticensor?
@yushacum In the main game (where you run around and stuff), you have to engage in sex with someone and have the third person be in the room (in my experience). Both of them were my lovers so I don't know if that's a requirement. During sex there will be an icon and text that indicates you're being watched. If you click the icon the third person will then ask if they can join in, and after that 3P starts. @guest1 Auto translation: Not sure if it's auto but it does have translations yes, although they're extremely barebones. The translations in R1.1 were better oddly enough, so hopefully it improves as the game gets updated. Uncensor: Yes, it has uncensor.
Yay for uncensored version!
any update on the KKS grab? (cards)

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### thought_crime_1984 I forgot to upload it to some hosts, fixed now :) ### Muchuchubacca / Grumpy_Old_Vet ok, I'll try probing it a bit more when I get outta bed (having a cold here so keeping to bed for a spell). If the mod is broken, I'll see if it's addressable, and if not it'll get moved to KK exclusive. ### guest1 yes, it has uncensor, and yes it has partial translation with the rest dealt with by google translate. As Jidgeeboy correctly surmises, R1.1 had better translations due to a packing error. You can update the translation real quick with the update function in the launcher, initsetting, or in KKManager. ### onizukaftw Grab, as in the illusion uploader rip? I have done one grab from there already, if you look at my discord, and I plan to do more pulls every so often. Here's my first pull https://mega.nz/file/xXJg2ZyK#0kJOY5-8BuJUdY7B5nZa_GxuN5fOQcPxGqhQNjuuWUc
Screwthisnoise Found the mod it took me awhile but this was what was causing my crash BlackBullet.Enju Mod. When disabled I can fully scroll through the entire list of eyes. That sucks hope you get well soon!
@STN Just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work, my heart goes out to all the moders as well so thank you.
Ty again screwthisnoise
Yup, thanks again, awesome work as always.
Hello first thank you for the repack!! i would like to know if the cards from Koikatsu are compatible with Koikatsu sunshine? because i tried copy past all of my cards but in game nothing is shown :(
@Runak2 They are. Just copy the cards into the female/male KKS folder(s), start up the game and it should automatically convert them to be compatible with KKS. There'll be a popup screen after you start up the game and depending on how many cards you've put in it'll show how many cards it has converted. If you have the game running when copying cards from KK to KKS then you need to restart the game first.
@Jidgeeboy ah thanks! its because every cards that i put were in separate folders in the female folder, sadly i have to move every cards from my 70 folders so they can be converted T_T
how do i share a single folder with the original? can someone explain?
Still No 100% Save or Kplug ?
Sorry for the dumb question, but is this an expansion for the original Koikatsu, or is it an entirely separate game?
kidakaze new game. Jidgeeboy all cards i imported, had missing clothing (not acc, entire clothing sets2-4 were wiped) and etc.

screwthisnoise (uploader)

Sorry I'm not keeping up with this all... Due to a death in the family I'm sorta on a hiatus right now (for a week and a half still). Some problems present in R1.2 may be improved in ManlyMarcos HF patch (not really tested, time to just mess about isn't really a thing now for me, but I imagine some are), which can be found at https://www.patreon.com/posts/56052800. It can be applied to BR no problem... Usually I don't support upgrading from a HF install to a BR install, but due to the whole hiatus thing at a really bad timing, I will make an exception for R1.3, and will test the updater with a HF install as well, so if you want updates quicker for now, I recommend grabbing the HF. ### Dogcesy Read earlier comments, I comment on how to go about sharing mods folder with KK
@screwthisnoise: Sorry to hear about the passing of a family member, my condolences.
Plz teach me how to play JP language
There are so many new traits, don't know what most of them do though :0
screwthisnoise hope all is well... and to anyone still coming to this and reading the posts, remember you can run -- [UTILITY] KKManager\KKManager.exe -- and update a few things yourself while the uploader takes time away.
Anybody know which shadow setting is used in the image on this page?
@screwthisnoise Haven't checked for a new update for a while, so decided to take a look. I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you're doing okay all things considered. Take as much time as you need. BR is the best for me, so I'll, and I imagine many others, be patiently waiting for R1.3 and more.
what is difference between R1.1 and R1.2? why its 7gb bigger size but update from R1.1 to R1.2 only 567mb
@nvrme: lots more mods, fixes and updated content.

screwthisnoise (uploader)

Yeah, size increase between R1.1 and R1.2 is the sideloader modpack for the most part. That is NOT included in the update exe, but can be updated using the KKManager app or just pressing update in the launcher (initsetting.exe)